DKS aim to provide bespoke wellbeing training and workshops to suit your needs.
Mental Health training and workshops are available either face-to-face or online. Attendees come away from each workshop with helpful tools and techniques to build a strong foundation of personal wellbeing, increase their self-awareness and development.
Mindfulness Training
- Meditation
- Stress Management
- Relaxation Techniques
- Self-awareness
- Psyco-education
- Sleeping Difficulties
Helps Builds awareness of tools and strategies.
Allows individuals to develop a positive mindset and greater acceptance.
Builds on relaxation techniques and avoid stress, anxiety or burnout.
Creates a greater understanding of the connection between the physical and mental state.
Increases of self-awareness and personal development.
On-going support available.
Wellbeing in the Workplace
- What is Mental Health
- Mental Health disorders
- Impact of Mental Heath on individuals and the workplace
- Psyco-education
- How to recognise signs / symptoms / triggers
- Identify strategies and coping mechanisms
- Increase self-awareness
Helps provide strategies to cope with personal, professional and everyday challenges.
Aids motivation, engagement, productivity and retention.
Helps to remove the stigma of mental health.
Increases personal development and self-awareness.
Enables people to build a strong team environment.
Provides an understanding of stress v anxiety.
On-going support available.
Workplace Wellbeing Training and Workshops can be tailored to suit your organisation. Please email me or use the contact form for further information.